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TexMex Rice
  • Generously packed with protein-rich black beans, fresh rice, tomatoes and just a touch of chilli powder, this dish marries convinience and taste in one hearty meal. Inspired by the flavours of Mexico and the American Southwest, this meal can easily be adjusted to your liking--for a true kick add some spice or use it as a healthy filling option for your weekly taco night!

    TexMex Rice

    • Rice, black beans, yellow onions, green peppers, red peppers, tomato paste, garlic, salt, paprika, chilli powder, cumin, black pepper, corn oil, lime juice. 

    In the clandestine realm of self-care, our shower steamers emerge as the unsung heroes. They're the secret agents, the covert operators that transform your daily routine into a misty rendezvous. These enigmatic tablets, akin to confidential briefings, dissolve in the steam, releasing fragrant narratives that hang in the air like smoky whispers in a dimly lit alley. As the hot water cascades down, each shower steamer is an accomplice in this cinematic ritual, cloaking you in an aura of intrigue and vitality. With every inhalation, your senses become the detectives, peeling back the layers of the story, uncovering moments of invigoration and rejuvenation. In the world of shower steamers, every shower is a noir thriller, every scent a tantalizing clue, and every ritual a secret mission for your well-being.

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