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Diversity Statement



"Like a boil that can never be cured as long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its pus-flowing ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must likewise be exposed, with all of the tension its exposing creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured." ~ Dr. King




So, let us acknowledge, first and foremost, that we as an organization unequivocally stand with and for the BIPOC community of the countries we operate within. 


We believe a rainbow would be boring without all the colours. We also believe the world would be less interesting, impactful, and meaningful without the wide range of people in it. We understand that it is diversity and a wide range of thoughts and backgrounds that create powerful transformation in the world. 


We believe white supremacy is real and that systematic racism has been a leading cause for health disparities in minority communities - particularly among BIPOC. We are committed to building on our heritage of diversity and inclusion to be a part of the solution and expect our clients, suppliers, partners and employees to be equally committed to that effort.


We respect all races, religions, creeds, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, national origins, disabilities, and backgrounds. We have always believed that we are not free until each and every one of us is free. 




It’s ok to feel uncomfortable. For people who don’t usually talk about racial justice or speak about racism in diverse groups, this might make you or others feel uncomfortable. That’s OK since it will call you to dig deeper and explore your own beliefs to see if you agree with what’s being said or not. 


It’s ok to say “ouch” and “oops”. You or others might make mistakes when speaking about racial justice. If you hear something that has offended you, say “ouch” to demonstrate its impact. Explain why a comment has offended you. Then the person who said the comment has the opportunity to say “oops,” sharing that they made a mistake. This framework is an opportunity to acknowledge and learn from that mistake, and then continue the conversation.


Call people “in”, not “out.” When you are holding someone accountable for an offensive or ignorant statement, think about how to address the hurt they caused and still engage them in the conversation. Know you won’t always say the right thing. Take responsibility and use that as an opportunity to learn.


Individuals can only speak to their own experiences. Embrace the opportunity to speak up for all races, genders, ethnicities, or other groups that you may identify as being a part of. 


Non-Violent Communication (NVC) = Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Think about impact of your words, not just intent. Think about the language you are using, not just in terms of intent, but also in terms of impact. If someone says something you hear as offensive, consider that they may not realize they have said something hurtful. If someone 'calls you in' for saying something offensive (“ouch”), remember that your intent can be different than your impact. Be open to exploring that.


We are listening. We value you. We are committed to doing our part so that we, as an organization, can continue to build on our heritage of living and breathing diversity and inclusion to truly make a greater impact in dismantling systemic oppression. 



We attended the Reimagining Small Business Town Hall. As a small business, we signed the pledge. You're welcome to visit this site and sign the pledge too!

Three Areas with the Highest Needs

Your donation today goes to supporting wonderful families in the community. 100% of your donation goes towards providing food, legal, medical, personal support to families in need in our community. Aangen contributes all funds for marketing and administration. All donations are appreciated, thank you so much!

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Empowering Communities, Creating Change

Aangen - Where Every Action Matters.

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