Sustain-A-Bowl is an innovative Aangen program that breaks the cycle of poverty by addressing hunger and creating job opportunities for marginalized people in our community.
Who We Are
Aangen is a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to providing sustainable, solution-based responses to social inequities locally and globally. We are focused on breaking the cycle of poverty through innovative programs that address hunger, homelessness, create employment opportunities for marginalized people, and help families in crisis. Aangen is a company that supports and empowers with a driving philosophy of: One Love, One World
What is Sustain-A-Bowl?
Sustain-A-Bowl breakfast, lunch, and dinners are safe and easy to prepare, and deliciously healthy.
Sustain-A-Bowl ingredients are rescued ensuring food sustainability, produced in Aangen’s kitchen and staffed through the Chance For Change program.
Sold using a B2B model, for every 10 packs of Sustain-A-Bowl sold, 1 pack will be donated
to a local food bank.
Become a Sponsor
Your Sponsor Benefits
Included in the sponsor section of the newsletter ( ~15,000 recipients) recognition on the sponsor page
Sponsor asset kit (friends of Aangen logo; social media post packages;
Sustain-A-Bowl quarterly impact stories; quarterly reporting)
Friends of Aangen marketing asset package and taxable receipt.
Your Sponsorship Supports
The production of meals for those in need
Employment for 3 people in the Chance for Change Program
The program expansion (employees, expansion of facilities and equipment)
Sponsor Impact
In addition to the benefit of truly helping a vulnerable and growing community in need, providing jobs to those that need them, and supporting a great organization, you are also showing your consumers that your business is making a difference. So go on and brag a little about all the good you're doing!
It's Time to Add Your Name and Power Change
To sponsor Sustain-A-Bowl, contact Gurbeen Bhasin at gurbeen@aangen.com
Let’s talk about the impact you’re having on your community.
Together, we can determine what level of support is right for you.
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